Wetenschappelijke publicaties
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Nederlandse publicaties
Horstman, K. en Meershoek, A. (2019) Vitaal en bevlogen werknemers? Een pleidooi voor etnografisch-participatief onderzoek, Podium Bio-ethiek, thema: Biopolitiek en het Preventieakkoord, 26(2), 17-20. (link)
Meershoek, A, Bartholomée, Y. & Horstman, K. (2010) Vitaal en bevlogen; de economisering van de gezondheid van werknemers, Beleid en Maatschappij, 37 (3), 232-245.
Thissen, L. (2018) Taal bepaalt of we ons erbij horen voelen. Sociale Vraagstukken (link)
Mare Knibbe & Klasien Horstman (2017) Zoeken naar een inclusieve stad. Participatiemaatschappij in actie. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht (Rapport in opdracht van Gemeente Maastricht) (link)
Knibbe, M., Horstman, K. (2019) Woonpijn. Bronnen en drempels voor veerkracht van kwetsbare mensen in de stad Maastricht. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht (rapport in opdracht van de Gemeente Maastricht)
Engelse publicaties
Ilse Dijkstra, Klasien Horstman (2021) ‘Known to be unhealthy’: Exploring how social epidemiological research constructs the category of low socioeconomic status. Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 286, Sept. (link)
Meershoek, A. & Horstman, K. (2016) Creating a market in workplace health promotion: the performative role of public health sciences and technologies, Critical Public Health, 26:3, 269-280, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2015.1015489 (link)
Horstman, K. (2019) Performing health promotion. An analysis of epistemic and political technologies of accountability. Critical Public Health (link)
Teuscher D, Bukman AJ, van Baak MA, Feskens EJM, Renes RJ, Meershoek A. Challenges of a healthy lifestyle for socially disadvantaged people of Dutch, Moroccan and Turkish origin in the Netherlands: a focus group study. Critical Public Health 2014; 25:615. (link)
Overige publicaties
Bukman AJ, Teuscher D, Ben Meftah J, Groenenberg I, Crone MR, van Dijk S, Bos MB, Feskens EJM. Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study. BMC Family Practice 2016; 21:85. (link)
Hal, L.B.E. van, Meershoek, A.M., Nijhuis, F. & Horstman, K. (2013). A sociological perspective on ”the unmotivated client”: public accountability and professional work methods in vocational rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35(10), 809-818. (link)
Hal, L.B.E. van, Meershoek, A.M., Nijhuis, F.J.N. & Horstman, K. (2013). Disembodied abilities: Sick role and participation in return-to-work practices. Social Science & Medicine, 96, 9-16. (link)
Hal, L.B.E. van, Meershoek, A., Nijhuis, F. & Horstman, K. (2012). The ”empowered client” in vocational rehabilitation: the excluding impact of inclusive strategies. Health Care Analysis, 20(3), 213-230.
Knibbe, M., Vries, M. de, Horstman K. (2016) Bianca in the neighborhood: moving beyond ‘’the reach paradigm’’ in public mental health. Critical Public Health. 26:4, 434-445. (link)
Knibbe, M., Vries, M. de, Horstman, K. (2017) Engaging cultural resources to promote mental health in Dutch LSES neighborhoods: a study of a community-based participatory media project, in : Health Promotion International, 32:3, 567-576. (link)
Teuscher. A lifestyle intervention study targeting individuals with low socioeconomic status of different ethnic origins: needs of the target group and research demands. Proefschrift/Dissertation 2017 (link)
Teuscher D, Bukman AJ, van Baak MA, Feskens EJM, Renes RJ, Meershoek A. (2017) A lifestyle intervention study targeting individuals with low socioeconomic status of different ethnic origins: important aspects for successful implementation. BMC Public Health, 18:54. (link)
Thissen, L. (2018) Talking In and Out of Place: Ethnographic reflections on language, place, and (un)belonging in Limburg, the Netherlands. Ongepubliceerd proefschrift, Maastricht University.
Thissen, L. (2015) ‘Because here we live in the Netherlands’: Language-ideological Politics of
Belonging in a Supermarket. Applied Linguistics Review 6 (2): 195-216.
Van Berkel, J., Meershoek, A., Janssens, R.M.J.P.A., Boot, C.R.L., Proper K.I. and Van der Beek, A. J. (2014) Ethical considerations of worksite health promotion: an exploration of stakeholders’ views, BMC Public Health, 14:458. (link)